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Дата регистрации 27 марта 2013
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I see you but KHL take clubs which did not meet these conditions. Look at
1) Lev Poprad - no real money, no real club, no real fans
2) Lev Praha - no real money (in May 2012), no real club, no real fans
3) Slovan - no real money (10 mil euro is not enough), real club and real fans (but KHL haters, you could not meet much KHL haters in May 2012 in Slovakia than Slovan´s fans)
Why did KHL accepted these clubs? Why not to accept Vladivostok?

Maybe dont have now, but will have in future. What can not be said about Lada, Khimik. Slovan does not have money as well and is in league. It is matter of time when Slovan has to increase budget over 20 mil euro. How does Slovan wanna do it?

