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Дата регистрации 22 февраля 2020
Аккаунт игрок основы
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да-да, разумных. учитывая что все остальные разъехались по домам вы, Ирина, соревновались бы в финале с Лампич, а Юра Мятлин бегагал бы наперегонки с Сашей и Пеллегрино.

Race Penalty
The importance of a competition is determined by the quality of the
competitors participating. This quality affects the calculation of the
race penalty.
The race points gained in the competition and calculated according
to the formula, plus the calculated race penalty will give each
classified competitor the FIS points of the competition.
For further explanations please see the rules, art. 5.3 as well as
1.5 Entry for Competition Participation
All entries for the participation in international competitions must be
made on the official entry form (ICR article 215). Please see
illustration 1c.
The competitors FIS code number has to be specified. Otherwise
the entry is not valid.
1.6 FIS Codes on result lists
The TD’s are responsible that every result list contains all
competitors including their FIS Codes! Competitors without a valid
FIS Code are not allowed to start at the competition! Lists with
missing FIS Codes cannot be accepted.

опять шюютить изволили?
т.е. ты сам в свою же и попал? а что, ты можешь!
