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  • Автор Corygreekgodofdb

    USA professional to host first Moscow competitive dodgeball event 16th of February?

    Saturday, February 16th could be the first event with this style of play. Leave a comment if you think you can form a team of six players. Does 400 ruble sound like a reasonable price to you? We would make sure to give you plenty of playing time! I’m taking none of the profit from this event, and I’m trying to host this event just as a way to help the sport grow in Russia. Read the rules at Our goal is to get at least six teams. Help us spread the word to help make this happen! Let us know if you have any questions.
  • Автор Corygreekgodofdb

    Other countries which have competitive dodgeball

    Here you can view just a handfull of other countries the sport is at: I am excited to help bring the sport to Russia!
  • Автор Corygreekgodofdb

    How I became involved in this sport

    My first year of high school (age 13), I was invited to an after school doodgdball event at some tennis courts next to the school. My friend had the idea from playing Super Dodgeball NES. We only played for fun, but years later I discovered the style of play from the Nintendo game was a very popular style played by the youth in Japan, in official leagues. During my second year of high school, the guys who started it moved far off for university. In this year I only played the Nintendo game in the memory of the fun times. During my third year, I decided to bring the sport back. Ten years...
  • Автор Corygreekgodofdb

    Rules for the competitive division

    The Court, Throwing, Catching, and Outs rules in details.
  • Автор Corygreekgodofdb

    Photos, videos, and how to get started

    Photos: First, we will need to make sure we have enough interest. Form your team of six players, and let us know what city in Russia you’re from and your team name! Please help us spread the word to make sure we will have enough teams to make this happen. Thanks.
  • Автор Corygreekgodofdb

    Part of the plan

    I am a professional athlete from the U.S. and I’m working to bring this sport to Russia. If we have enough interest, I will move to Russia to help find and train the top players to represent your country in international events.We could have a youth league, an adult competitive league, and an adult recreational league, if enough interest is shown for that division.For the competitive division, the goal is to find at least six teams from each of the following cities: Region 1:St. Petersburg,Moscow,Rostov-On-Don,Volgograd,Nizhny Novgorod,Kazan...