Forbes: Salavat Yulaev budget is $70 million, three times more than KHL official salary cap

According to Forbes, in 2010 Ural charitable foundation, general sponsor of Salavat Yulaev, gave the club 2.635 billion roubles ($93 million).

However, a considerable part of this amount has been spent to pay the salary of the club general director Ural Rakhimov, son of the former Bashkortostan president Murtaza Rakhimov and one of the wealthiest people in Russia. During 14 months in 2009-2010, Ural Rakhimov has earned 645 million roubles ($23 million).

Thus the budget of Salavat Yulaev is estimated to be around 2 billion roubles ($70 million), of which 60 percent is spent on salaries and bonuses.

According to the KHL regulations for 2010-11 season the salary cap makes 700 million roubles ($25 million) and only one player may be taken out of the payroll.

In 2008, the budget of Salavat Yulaev made around $20 million and in 2009 – around $90 million.

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