Трибунал: Защита Марии - часть 21

В эту серию постов буду выставлять подробности процесса ИТФ против Марии, включая и список деталей, которые могут помочь ей.

Эта таблица показывает все известные случаи допинг нарушения с мельдониумом и их статус:





Есть уже не меньше 330 положительных допинг тестов, а как Вы видите, в таблице описан только 61 случай.

Из них:

- оправданы только 8 спортсменов;

- временное отстранение от соревнований отменено для 20 спортсменов. Решение будет принято, когда новые результаты научных исследований ВАДА станут известны. Когда, не ясно, очень разные сроки - от середины июня до конца сентября;

- наказан только один человек;

- неясная ситуация у 9 спортсменов;

- временно отстранены от соревнований 3 человека, включая нашу Машу;

Выставил и копию (на английском) информации Энди Брауна. Вы, может быть, знаете уже некоторые из этих фактов, но Энди проверяет каждый случай и не выставляет непроверенные данные:


MAY 31, 2016 | ANDY BROWN | 

The Romanian Olympic committee (COSR) has announced that ten athletes have recently tested positive for meldonium, while Le Monde reports that Belarusians Aliaksandr and Andrei Bahdanovich also tested positive. The brothers took gold in the C2 1,000m at the Beijing 2008 Olympics and silver at the London 2012 Olympics in the same event.

The ten athletes identified by the COSR include Leonid Carp, who has qualified for the C1 1,000m and C2 1,000m at the Rio 2016 Olympics. His partner for the C2 1,000m is Stefan Strat, who also features on the COSR list. The pair were also both members of the C4 1,000m team that took gold at the Canoe Sprint World Championships last year.

Also on the COSR list are Petrus Gavrila and Traian Neagu, who both competed in the K4 1,000m at the London 2012 Olympics, finishing in eighth place. Gavrila competed with Catalin Turceag and Daniel Burciu – who also feature on the COSR list – at the Canoe Sprint European Championships last year, finishing in eighth place.


Also listed is multiple medalist Liviu Lazar Dumitrescu; Constantin Mironescu, who was part of the team that reached the final of the K4 1,000m at the Baku 2015 European Games; Elena Meroniac, who took silver in the K2 500m in Baku; and Daniela Stanciu, who competes in the high jump. The COSR held a meeting today to discuss the situation.

According to Le Monde, the Bahdanovich brothers were two of five meldonium positives occurring as a result of testing carried out on the Belarusian canoeing team, who were staying at the Centre Omnisports at Temple-sur-Lot.

Alexander Povetkin

The B sample of Alexander Povetkin has confirmed that the concentration of meldonium in the boxer’s serum is less than the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) mandated lower limit of 1 μg/mL. Russian news agency Tass reports that the concentration of meldonium in Povetkin’s sample is 0.07 μg/mL, which means that under WADA’s Guidance Notice, the case should not proceed. The World Boxing Council (WBC) has yet to announce a final decision on Povetkin’s case.

(продолжение следует)

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