Трибунал: Защита Марии - часть 1
В эту серию постов буду выставлять список деталей, которые могут помочь Марии.
1. Признание Марии о нарушение допинговых правил может уменьшить ее наказание.
(CNN)Maria Sharapova's admission that she failed a drug test could reduce any further punishment she receives, according to a lawyer who has represented athletes in doping cases.
Her revelation surprised the tennis world, not only because the 28-year-old is known as one of the most professional players around, but because in the overwhelming majority of incidents when players fail a test and are initially notified, they keep it quiet.
"Ordinarily in these cases, the athlete is either disputing that the substance was in the body, that the samples weren't handled correctly, that there's some sort of explanation that absolves them entirely," Steven Thompson, a trial lawyer with Chicago-based Nixon Peabody, told CNN.
"She doesn't take that position. She's not saying this was something someone slipped into a water bottle, or anything like that.
"Her position is, as I understand it, she did take this as a prescribed drug product for many years, and unfortunately didn't realize that it had gone on the banned list. It's not an excuse, but it's a reason that may have an impact on the ultimate outcome."
2. В списке ВАДА запрещенных препаратов в конце сентября, который был послан всем спортсменам, препарат "mildronate", который Мария применяла не был включен. Только в этом году это название было добавлено (в скобках). В списке был только "meldonium". Эта деталь, по мнения американского адвоката Steven Thompson важна и может помочь Марии, несмотря на факт, что она не прочитала этот список.
Another factor that may help Sharapova, Thompson said, is inconsistent wording in the World Anti-Doping Agency's prohibited list.
Sharapova knew meldonium by another name, mildronate, and when WADA announced in September a set of substances that were to be added to the 2016 list, it used both names. "Meldonium" was immediately followed by "mildronate" in parentheses.
When the official list was released this year, only meldonium was utilized.
"There may be some allowance for this particular set of circumstances and that may be considered something that could be a mitigating factor," said Thompson, even though Sharapova's lawyer, John Haggerty, told CNN this week that no one in Sharapova's entourage consulted the 2016 list.
"I think it's an argument they will make and it could have some impact on the ultimate decision on the length of the penalty."
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