Монреаль: Вчерашняя тренировка Марии

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I started feeling it a few days ago,. I felt something the day before (the Olympic gold-medal match against Serena Williams), but it wasn’t as bad as it’s been the last couple of days.” Перевожу: я начала это чувствовать несколько дней назад. Я что- то чувствовала днем раньше (перед матчем за золото с Сереной), но тогда было не так плохо, как последние пару дней. Это что ж получается, дамы и господа? Траванули Машу накануне финала ОИ? Какие ж нам бэкхенды по линии надо было ждать от нее во время финала? Надо провести срочное расследование, на самом серьезном уровне. Кто кормил, откуда продукты привозились... всю цепь от фермы до желудка и унитаза. Да кто этим теперь будет заниматься? Надо просто брать с собой повара, на свой вкус. На каждую поездку. На каждый турнир. И водичку с собой возить, к другой не прикасаться, даже если она в закрытой бутылке.
Ответ на комментарий Денни Тенн
Мария сказала: It’s unfortunate I had to withdraw late this morning, from the stomach illness I’ve had the last couple of days. I came to Montreal hoping I would recover but this morning I was still not very well, so was not able to practice, which is not the best preparation in order to compete tomorrow It’s very unfortunate. I was very much looking forward to playing here in front of my fans, but there’s always a next time and I hope that time will come soon. In my particular situation I think it was just a coincidence. Obviously if my stomach was healthy enough to play I was already here, ready to play. It’s a very quick turnaround after very big events in the last couple of months, for all of us. We want to have the best preparation we can for the U.S. Open. This is a very important tournament for us. I was here, ready to play the tournament. You just have to make the best decision for your body. I think this year we didn’t have much choice. It’s once in four years that we have the Olympics, it’s one of those things. We have so many events during the year already, but of course we all want to be part of the Olympics as well. Everyone’s situation is different. But I don’t think anything could have been done in terms of scheduling. I haven’t had something like this since I can remember, so for me it’s something different. I was hoping I would recover faster than I did, but I’m certainly not ready to compete yet. It’s just a matter of a few days, just obviously I would have to start the tournament (Thursday), and for this particular tournament, I’m just not ready. I started feeling it a few days ago,. I felt something the day before (the Olympic gold-medal match against Serena Williams), but it wasn’t as bad as it’s been the last couple of days.”
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