Роджер Федерер: «Результат не всегда отображает накал борьбы»

Швейцарец Роджер Федерер, обыгравший в рамках матча Кубка Дэвиса голландца Робина Хаасе со счетом 6:1, 6:4, 6:4, прокомментировал матч.

«По счету может показаться, что первый сет был самым легким, но это не так – он был сложным. Результат не всегда отображает накал борьбы. Но я почти все время контролировал ход игры», – приводит слова теннисиста официальный сайт турнира.

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Друг Федерера
Роджер чем больше у тебя титулов тем больше ЖЕЛЧИ на этом микро форуме. НО МЫ все рады игре и спокойной и правильной победе.Чего протирать валенки когда все можно сделать и с помощью соперникка. Браво Роджер!!!
Джон Данбар
отличную статистику выложили на теннис.ком в комментах Furthermore, if «Federer has only played sporadically for Swtizerland» how do we describe the commitment of Nadal, Djokovic and Murray? Let’s compare the first nine years of Davis Cup commitment: Federer vs Nadal, Djokovic, Murray: - Federer played 16 of Switzerlands 19 total ties (84%) from 1999 to 2007 (played 44 matches) - Nadal played only 14 of Spain’s 28 total ties (50%) from 2004 to 2012 (played 27 matches) - Djokovic played 17 of Serbia’s 23 total ties (74%) from 2004 to 2012 (played 30 matches) - Murray played 11 of Great Britain’s 18 total ties (61%) from 2005 to 2012 (played 22 matches) 26-year old Nadal missed DC throughout 2012, 2010, 2007). 25-year old Murray missed DC throughout 2012, 2010. 25-year old Djokovic missed DC throughout 2012 (and in 2011 he played only 1 doubles match and 1/2 singles match before retiring). Federer played 11 consecutive seasons of Davis Cup before skipping only one season (2010) at age 29. Indeed, Federer played his first 13 consecutive ties from 1999 to 2004 (100%), without missing any tie. Let’s compare Nadal and Federer further: - Nadal played mostly on clay (10 ties) in 9 home ties and only 5 away ties. Nadal did not play any away tie outside Europe (he skipped all four away ties: 2008 Argentina Davis Cup final, 2008 Peru, 2007 USA, 2011 USA). Nadal skipped a total of 13 ties in 9 years (Spain without Nadal still won 10 of these 13 ties, losing only three away ties to France, USA and Belarus on hard/carpet). - In his career, Federer played in 22 ties of Switzerland’s 30 total ties (73%) involving 58 matches (2.64 matches per tie). Federer played in 11 home ties and 11 away ties. Federer played four away ties outside Europe (2011 Australia, 2003 Australia, 2002 Morocco, 2002 Russia). The 10,000 mile Switzerland-Australia flight is the longest distance, by far, travelled by any of the current top ten players for a Davis Cup tie (Federer played twice in Australia). In the past 14 years, Federer missed only 8 ties for Switzerland. Did John McEnroe play «sporadically»? Compare Federer with John McEnroe (most successful, record-holding U.S. Davis Cupper): at age 31, McEnroe had played 10 Davis Cup seasons, 25 total ties and 63 total matches -- that’s in the ballpark of Federer’s 13 seasons, 22 ties and 58 matches. McEnroe played 12 seasons of Davis Cup until age 33 in an era when tennis was not so physical. Indeed, Federer has played more Davis Cup than the vast majority of the great players in tennis history.
Джон Данбар
особенно отлично смотрится сравнение с Макинроем. Фед - действительно один из самых частых участников в КД среди топов.
Ответ на комментарий Джон Данбар
отличную статистику выложили на теннис.ком в комментах Furthermore, if «Federer has only played sporadically for Swtizerland» how do we describe the commitment of Nadal, Djokovic and Murray? Let’s compare the first nine years of Davis Cup commitment: Federer vs Nadal, Djokovic, Murray: - Federer played 16 of Switzerlands 19 total ties (84%) from 1999 to 2007 (played 44 matches) - Nadal played only 14 of Spain’s 28 total ties (50%) from 2004 to 2012 (played 27 matches) - Djokovic played 17 of Serbia’s 23 total ties (74%) from 2004 to 2012 (played 30 matches) - Murray played 11 of Great Britain’s 18 total ties (61%) from 2005 to 2012 (played 22 matches) 26-year old Nadal missed DC throughout 2012, 2010, 2007). 25-year old Murray missed DC throughout 2012, 2010. 25-year old Djokovic missed DC throughout 2012 (and in 2011 he played only 1 doubles match and 1/2 singles match before retiring). Federer played 11 consecutive seasons of Davis Cup before skipping only one season (2010) at age 29. Indeed, Federer played his first 13 consecutive ties from 1999 to 2004 (100%), without missing any tie. Let’s compare Nadal and Federer further: - Nadal played mostly on clay (10 ties) in 9 home ties and only 5 away ties. Nadal did not play any away tie outside Europe (he skipped all four away ties: 2008 Argentina Davis Cup final, 2008 Peru, 2007 USA, 2011 USA). Nadal skipped a total of 13 ties in 9 years (Spain without Nadal still won 10 of these 13 ties, losing only three away ties to France, USA and Belarus on hard/carpet). - In his career, Federer played in 22 ties of Switzerland’s 30 total ties (73%) involving 58 matches (2.64 matches per tie). Federer played in 11 home ties and 11 away ties. Federer played four away ties outside Europe (2011 Australia, 2003 Australia, 2002 Morocco, 2002 Russia). The 10,000 mile Switzerland-Australia flight is the longest distance, by far, travelled by any of the current top ten players for a Davis Cup tie (Federer played twice in Australia). In the past 14 years, Federer missed only 8 ties for Switzerland. Did John McEnroe play «sporadically»? Compare Federer with John McEnroe (most successful, record-holding U.S. Davis Cupper): at age 31, McEnroe had played 10 Davis Cup seasons, 25 total ties and 63 total matches -- that’s in the ballpark of Federer’s 13 seasons, 22 ties and 58 matches. McEnroe played 12 seasons of Davis Cup until age 33 in an era when tennis was not so physical. Indeed, Federer has played more Davis Cup than the vast majority of the great players in tennis history.
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